-Superfine polished conical diamond bonded stylus
-Powerfull samarium cobalt magnet
-Lightweight aluminum alloy cantilever
-Carbon fibre reinforced plastic shoe
-Anti ferro magnetic permalloy shield casing
The Nagaoka MP-100 phonograph cartridge offers musical clarity and expression beyond its price and competitors splendid upward start toward long term musical enjoyment.
Half-inch system with conical diamond on lightweight aluminum cantilver. The Nagaoka MP-100 phone cartridge offers musical clarity and expression beyond its price and competitors – a plendid upwards start toward long term musical enjoyment
Out of stock
-Superfine polished conical diamond bonded stylus
-Powerfull samarium cobalt magnet
-Lightweight aluminum alloy cantilever
-Carbon fibre reinforced plastic shoe
-Anti ferro magnetic permalloy shield casing